

On Kélas, people speak languages that can be divided into nine language families (+ three language isolates). There are 68 languages in total, but it is only an approximate number, as it does not include dialects (and it is true that dialects of the same language can be mutually unintelligible). The most numerous language family is the Amaro-Damsetian family with 13 languages. The most widely spoken language is Lísic, which is further divided into Hituronish, Parlenish, Orayenish, and Lynirosan — these dialects are mutually intelligible but considered separate languages, as each is de facto official language in one of the four kingdoms. Because of this, it is also lingua franca of the entire Kélas.

If I scared you with the number 68, then do not fret, only about 10 languages are developed enough that I can call them conlangs, and only half of these have their grammar decently developed.

Where to now?

Nowhere as of now. :(

What's to come

>>> Altei-Sattayan language family

>>> Amaro-Damsetian language family

>>> Eastern Coastal language family

>>> Kihi-Xeli language family

>>> Sela-Ihami-Yokultan language family

>>> Sori language family

>>> Southern Insular language family

>>> Vari-Kaytak-Sentian language family

>>> Yesei-Kolgian language family

>>> Language isolates

last updated: 25 jul 2024 | template from this site!