

The following links will take you to various corners of Kélas, where you can learn more about the land as well as the politics, culture and nations inhabiting this specific area. Some regions span two or more kingdoms (e.g. Löaria, Trosetia, Amaria, and some others), but for the sake of tidiness, I've listed them under the kingdom that has the most influence on them or controls the largest part of their territory. Trosetia is a rather unique case in that it spans three kingdoms and its capital is controlled by all three.

An important explanation regarding the Lísic nations or Lísans – it's a huge group of people of common origin, which includes Hituronians, Parlenians, Orayenians, Lynirosans and Trosetians. I often use the term Lísans as these nations have a lot in common (primarily history and language), although each nation (except for Trosetians) lives in only one of the kingdoms.

(Note: Only links with an asterisk * work for now, as I'm still writing everything down.)

Where to next?

>>> Northern Union*

>>> Hituron

>>> Löaria

>>> Ruoma

>>> Darya

>>> Parlene-Wastian Federation*

>>> Parlene

>>> Wastia

>>> Towakia

>>> Syrhaian Damsétia

>>> Ihami Plains

>>> Middleland Alliance*

>>> Orayen (Lúnia)

>>> Trosetia

>>> Amaria

>>> Astaria

>>> Sattaya

>>> Southern Empire*

>>> Lyniros

>>> Sentia

>>> Yisénia

>>> Varia

>>> Weslin

>>> Yeseika

>>> Sorka*

>>> Chytaria

>>> Rasharia

>>> Rasan

>>> Suteiran Islands

>>> Kolgia

>>> Naeterai

last updated: 26 oct 2024 | template from this site!