Here you can find various organizations operating on Kélas – mainly bounty hunters and military orders, but perhaps more things will appear here in the future.
Military orders and other such organizations
Military orders are places that specialize in teaching martial arts and raising professional soldiers; largest number of them can be found in Lyniros and the Southern Empire in general. Training in such orders lasts for a maximum of five years, and after completing the final exam, the apprentice is appointed a knight. They are then given many options for how to continue – for example, they can continue training in a more renowned order, start teaching in one of the orders, or work in the army. A trained knight is usually forever tied to the order that raised them, and is obliged to obey the orders issued by it.
In addition to the orders, there are also less significant training grounds, where training usually lasts only one year, at most two, and after its completion, the apprentice becomes only an ordinary soldier, who, however, has a more important position in the army than freshly recruited persons without proper training.
Where to next?
>>> The Order of the Knights of the Most Holy Leiki
>>> The Order of the Knights of Gellea
>>> Bounty hunters