Bounty hunters


Bounty Hunters function as the equivalent of city guards outside the largest cities of Kélas, maintaining order and carrying out orders issued by the city or nobility. It is a profession that anyone can enter at any time and in which the person concerned has a free hand and over the course of several centuries the hunters have formed groups that are now known as Hunter Guilds. They are not only dedicated to hunting criminals, but also for example resolve disputes between people.

Hunter Guilds

Hunter Guilds are scattered throughout Kélas and can be found in almost every major city, where they are headquartered in at least one house with a jail or in a bailiff's house. The entire guild is responsible to the bailiff and the local noble lord or lady, who pays the hunters for their work.

Guilds exist for practical reasons – if a bounty is placed on a larger criminal group, hunters can easily secure an upper hand with the guild; they also share the bounty money if necessary, and often use the guild headquarters as their home. Guilds thus unite the bounty hunter community and encourage cooperation instead of the hostile competition and mutual hostility that favors the criminals if the hunters fight each other instead of their real enemies.

Of course, not every hunter belongs to a guild, and many choose to work freelance. Their opinions on guilds vary – while some are happy to cooperate with the guilds (although as they are not part of them, they do not share the bounty rewards), others hate them and stay away from them if possible. Among the hunters of the latter are the infamous hunted hunters, criminals who make a living by hunting other criminals.

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